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Iranian Resistance Units Advocate Revolution as the Essential Remedy

While Iran’s regime is resorting to different tactics to cause public fear and prevent protests on the anniversary of the 2022 prising, Resistance Units are busy keeping the flame of rebellion alit and countering the regime’s apparatus of repression.

Ahead of the anniversary of Iran’s nationwide uprising that began in September 2022, the regime has been on a campaign of repression to cause fear among the public, including an increase in executions and the arrest of dissidents.

Ahead of the anniversary of Iran’s nationwide uprising that began in September 2022, the regime has been on a campaign of repression to cause fear among the public, including an increase in executions and the arrest of dissidents.

Resistance Units are a network of activists associated with the  (PMOI/MEK). They have been a driving force for the nationwide uprisings against the regime’s brutal suppression. They carry out activities at great risk to their lives and safety.

Resistance Units are a network of activists associated with the (PMOI/MEK). They have been a driving force for the nationwide uprisings against the regime’s brutal suppression. They carry out activities at great risk to their lives and safety.

In Tehran, Resistance Units held placards with pictures of Iranian Resistance Leader Massoud Rajavi that read, “The only way to freedom is the liberation army”  and “The mullahs’ regime will be wiped out like the Shah dictatorship.”

In Tehran, Resistance Units held placards with pictures of Iranian Resistance Leader Massoud Rajavi that read, “The only way to freedom is the liberation army” and “The mullahs’ regime will be wiped out like the Shah dictatorship.”

Zahedan has been one of the hotbeds of the nationwide uprising that began in September 2022. Every Friday, locals held protest rallies and chanted slogans against regime leader Ali Khamenei and the regime’s suppressive entities, including the (IRGC)  and the Basij.

Zahedan has been one of the hotbeds of the nationwide uprising that began in September 2022. Every Friday, locals held protest rallies and chanted slogans against regime leader Ali Khamenei and the regime’s suppressive entities, including the (IRGC) and the Basij.

The regime is especially focused on targeting the supporters and network of the PMOI, which regime officials have recently described as their main problem.

While the regime has gone to great lengths to prevent protests from taking place, the MEK Resistance Units held anti-regime activities. Videos obtained show these activities in many Iranian cities.”


PARIS, FRANCE, August 24, 2023/EINPresswire.com/ — The official website of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) in an article wrote while Iran’s regime is resorting to different tactics to cause public fear and prevent protests on the anniversary of the 2022 nationwide uprising, Resistance Units are busy keeping the flame of rebellion alit and countering the regime’s apparatus of repression.

Resistance Units are a network of activists associated with the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK). They have been a driving force for the nationwide uprisings against the regime’s brutal suppression.

In the past few days, Resistance Units have carried out various activities across the country.

In Gorgan, northern Iran, Resistance Units posted a video, chanting, “The only solution is uprising and revolution, the rest is a mirage!” and “Their excuse is the hijab, the answer is revolution!”

Recently, the regime has reactivated the morality police patrols, tasked with controlling adherence to the regime’s forced hijab rules. The main goal of this campaign is to lower the demands of the people to the lifting of the hijab rules. Meanwhile, the people have made it clear in their slogans that they will suffice to nothing short of regime change.

In Tehran, Resistance Units held placards with pictures of Iranian Resistance Leader Massoud Rajavi that read, “The only way to freedom is the liberation army” “The main dispute is on revolution and regime change” and “The mullahs’ regime will be wiped out like the Shah dictatorship.”

Resistance Units also held placards that read, “No to shah, no to mullahs, yes to freedom and democracy.”

This is a slogan that became popular during the 2022 uprising as the remnants of the Pahlavi regime as well as the mullahs’ regime tried to promote the idea of a return to the ousted monarchy.

In Tabriz, Resistance Units held placards that read, “The only solution is a revolution, the target is the regime in its entirety,” a rejection of the idea of promoting the so-called reformist factions in the regime.

In Karaj, Resistance Units installed posters of National Council of Resistance of Iran – (NCRI) President-elect Maryam Rajavi in public places. One poster read, “With uprisings and revolts, we can and we must free the occupied nation.”

Similar activities were reported in Yazd, Arak, Rasht, Kashan, Kashan, Someh Sara, Yasuj, Shiraz, Bam, and Shahin Shahr.

In Mahabad, a Resistance Unit member held a placard that read, “Khamenei you murderer, we will bring you down!”

In Tehran, Resistance Units wrote graffiti on walls that read, “Our salvation is through uprisings. This regime is at its end” and “Down with the tyrant, be it the Shah or the mullahs.”

Ahead of the anniversary of Iran’s nationwide uprising that began in September 2022, the regime has been on a campaign of repression to cause fear among the public, including an increase in executions and the arrest of dissidents.

The regime is especially focused on targeting the supporters and network of the PMOI, which regime officials have recently described as their main problem.

This campaign includes increased pressure on political prisoners who have been charged with supporting the PMOI. However, as the activities of the Resistance Units show, the regime has utterly failed in its efforts to quell the spirit of resistance in Iran.

MEK Resistance Units in Zahedan: No to Shah, no to mullahs!

On Friday, August 18, members of Resistance Units, a network of activists inside Iran affiliated with the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), in Zahedan carried out anti-regime activities despite a growing wave of repressive measures by the regime.

Zahedan has been one of the hotbeds of the nationwide uprising that began in September 2022. Every Friday, locals held protest rallies and chanted slogans against regime leader Ali Khamenei and the regime’s suppressive entities, including the Revolutionary Guards and the Basij.

As one of the main victims of the Shah and mullahs’ dictatorships, the people of Sistan and Baluchestan have been very vocal in rejecting all forms of dictatorships.

“Death to the tyrant, be it the Shah or the supreme leader!” has been one of the main slogans of protest in Zahedan and other cities of Sistan and Baluchestan. This is while the remnants of the shah regime have tried to create the impression that the people of Iran want to return to the ousted Pahlavi monarchy.

While the regime has gone to great lengths to prevent protests from taking place, the MEK Resistance Units held anti-regime activities on Friday.

Videos obtained of some of these activities show Resistance Unit members in Zahedan holding placards and chanting slogans against the regime.

“Baluchistan will never remain silent before the crimes of the Shah and the mullahs,” one of the Resistance Units members said in his message. “The heroes of Zahedan will not bow before the Shah and the mullahs.”

Other Resistance Unit members held placards that read, “Death to the tyrant, be it the Shah or the mullahs” and “Monarchy, mullahs, a hundred years of crimes.”

Ahead of the anniversary of Iran’s nationwide uprising that began in September 2022, the regime has been on a campaign of repression to cause fear among the public, including an increase in executions and the arrest of dissidents.

The regime is especially focused on targeting the supporters and network of the PMOI, which regime officials have recently described as their main problem.

This campaign includes increased pressure on political prisoners who have been charged with supporting the PMOI.

The regime is especially afraid of Zahedan, which on September 30 will mark the first anniversary of the “Bloody Friday of Zahdan” in which security forces opened fire on unarmed civilians and killed over 100 people, including more than a dozen children.

But as in every corner of Iran, Resistance Units in Zahedan have made it clear that they will not be deterred in their efforts and will continue the fight for freedom and democracy in Iran. In their activities on Friday, they held placards that read, “We will fight and overthrow this regime.”

Shahin Gobadi
+33 6 61 65 32 31
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Other Resistance Unit members held placards that read, “Death to the tyrant, be it the Shah or the mullahs” and “Monarchy, mullahs, a hundred years of crimes.”

Originally published at https://www.einpresswire.com/article/651723478/video-catalysts-for-change-iranian-resistance-units-advocate-revolution-as-the-essential-remedy

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